Sunday, February 23, 2020

Correspondence packet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Correspondence packet - Assignment Example This has been witnessed for the first time since the company initiated this program. However, the company is committed to its mandates and responsibility, doing all it can to ensure that things return to normalcy. Due to this inconvenience, the human resource department has decided to award an extra week to cater for leaves of the employees on top of the annually awarded days. In addition, the when the time comes for awarding the bonus, an extra 20% of the bonus will be awarded to each individual. The management has noted the curiosity that has taken toll among most company employees as a result of recent dismissal of one of the staff members. The company wishes to inform the affected individuals that it was due to unavoidable circumstances that are in line with company policy that led to the dismissal of Craig Wilson. Wilson was legally expelled from his position after support personnel discovered illegally downloaded content on his computer during system upgrade. The company has a strong feeling that the use of company assets in this manner violates the company policy in a way. It is also a reminder to the employees that use of office computers for personal and/or illegal reasons that are stated in the company’s ICT code of conduct is against the company policy and may result into termination. The mangers will perform randomized searches it every computers to ensure that such instances do not occur at all cost. Any person that may feel that his or her rights are infringed in a way may be in a wrong place. In case one has a burning issue to do with this, please feel free to seek assistance. I am writing this e-mail in response to the recent e-mail addressed to Warren Enterprise regarding a onetime fee of $2,000 to have a metal sign with the company’s logo and contact information hung on the fence that enclose the local baseball stadium. Due to nature of its sensitivity and company policy that must be adhered

Friday, February 7, 2020

Professionalism vs Commercialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Professionalism vs Commercialism - Essay Example Accordingly, the following analysis will seek to define some of the key ways in which commercialism affects professionalism, and the way in which growing levels of commercialism are affecting professions in general. It is the hope of this author that such a level of analysis will help to bring and more complete understanding with regards to the dynamics that currently shape the world in which we live. With regards to the way in which growing levels of commercialism currently affect professionalism, one does not need to look very hard to see the way in which they growing emphasis upon profits and profitability is defining the business world. As compared to but a few decades past, the level to which business indices are focusing upon overall profitability and the bottom line has greatly reduced the level of professionalism that can be exhibited on the personal level. This is of course due to the fact that greater and greater degrees of freedom with regards to how a given profession is performed are being removed in the face of increasing regulatory oversight and the means by which standardization is pushed above all else. Ultimately, the perennial back-and-forth that is realized between all individuals and seek to display a level of professionalism within their work is called into question with regards to the incessant drive to maximize profitability. Furthermore, due to the fact that more and more firms/entities are operating at the very margins, the overall level that professionalism within a given work spirit is stressed is necessarily reduced. In such a way, the ultimate mantra becomes a maximization of profit. Within such a dynamic, the means by which professionalism can be fostered from within the firm is necessarily reduced. This of course has a compound affect not only on the means by which work is accomplished but also with regards to how the individual worker views the importance of professionalism. Whereas before professionalism was encouraged both fro m the personal standpoint as well is a systemic standpoint, the current dynamic sees a situation in which more and more often the individual alone is the only one seeking to promote professionalism in the place of commercialism. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that many firms and entities do not realize that fostering greater professionalism within their respective employees would necessarily have a compound affect not only of producing a better quality of product/services but would also have the ancillary affect of increasing profitability and serving mankind to a greater degree. However, like so many choices within the business world, the short-term gains are championed over long-term eventualities. In this way, professionalism is cheated out of its do merit as a means of maximizing the short-term benefits that commercialization and profit generation can necessarily entail. As a means of looking forward, it must be understood by the reader that a far better approach would be to realize that although commercialization holds the potential to generate profits, so too does fostering a greater and higher appreciation for professionalism within whatever business entity/firm is in question (Day 166). As with so many of the solid business choices that exists within theory and application, recent history as evidenced the fact that as a means of hoping to generate impressive numbers and